Field of Expertise


Worm Farming

Agriculture, Horticulture and Viticulture

Working with Nature

Sales and Marketing

Data and Analysis




Agriculture is one of the largest GreenHouse Gas (GHG) contributors, however, this is due to common practices with chemical inputs. Vermicast (worm castings) products has been known to reduce the need for chemical inputs without impacting yields or farmers profits.

Having spent time studying Climate Change and also working in a number of start-ups I have seen that change can only occur when everyone is bought in, from the farmers and growers, the supply chain and finally to the consumers.

I have been working with a number of farmers and growers over the last three years to understand the impact that vermicast products have on agriculture. Every time and in all crops (from arable, to glasshouse and to vineyards) we have seen a reduction in chemical use, leading to a reduction in GHG emissions and increase in quality of produce, biodiversity and profits.

I am on a journey to drive down the emissions in our agriculture sector, improving farmers environmental footprint, increasing the quality of produce and positively impacting their bottom line.