By providing vermicast products, farmers can reduce chemical inputs and GHG emissions. The supply chain can reduce waste by producing vermicast, closing the food-waste cycle.


Soil Nurture was founded by three worm farms who wanted to change the negative image and the environmental impact farms can have. By joining three worm farmers with different backgrounds from the UK, Mexico and Austria we have been able to utilise all our expertise in farming, composting, vermicomposting and go-to-market.

Key Benefits

Farmers and grower benefits: By using vermicast (worm castings) based products, farmers and growers are able to reduce chemical inputs such as fertilisers, fungicides, pesticides and even herbicides. This has direct impact on lowering the amount of GHGs being emitted as fewer are produced in the manufacturing of these products. Farmers also improve their biodiversity and soil health, meaning the impact of this also benefits the long term. This reduction in inputs has a direct beneficial impact on farmer profits.

Supply chain/food distributors/supermarkets: Waste production is inevitable in any supply chain, however, by using that waste as a resource to feed earthworms, more vermicast can be produced. This reduces the amount of waste going into landfill or being used in high energy demanding environment. The vermicast can then be re-used directly with your farmers, closing the waste-food cycle and ensuring that the waste is transformed into the best natural product for your growers. This benefits all in the food chain as waste, chemicals and GHGs are reduced, more nutritious food is produced for consumers and there is an increase in profits and services for those in the supply chain.


Farmers and growers: Using vermicast to reduce chemical products

Supply chain/food distributors/supermarkets: Reducing waste and GHG emissions, making a valuable product which can be used with your farmers and sold to your consumers.

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