Field of Expertise

Award-winning rugged edge processing devices, and computer vision and large language models to improve safety and efficiency in industrial workplaces


At Stroma, we utilize our award-winning rugged edge processing devices, computer vision models and large language models (LLMs) to enhance safety and efficiency in manufacturing and asset-intensive industries. Our technology prevents accidents, ensures top-notch quality control, and provides our industrial LLM copilot for seamless operations.

Stroma Edge Devices, encompassing Edge Cameras and the Edge Processor, serve as advanced vision sensors that analyze worker behavior around machinery and vehicles in real time, while also inspecting assembly lines for quality control issues. The Edge Processor, a compact yet powerful mini-industrial computer, processes industrial workplace data to alert managers real-time about unsafe worker behavior, quality control problems, or any efficiency issues. Its flexible and modular design allows for the integration of various asset monitoring sensors and vision AI, delivering tailored solutions that successfully meet the complex needs of our customers in the manufacturing and asset-intensive industries.

Stroma Krait is our end-to-end industrial AI workflow engine through an intuitive, node-based interface that significantly reduces the complexity associated with deploying AI models across numerous customer sites. It grants engineering and management professionals the powerful ability to autonomously design, integrate, and execute custom industrial AI solutions with our modular edge Stroma hardware, specifically tailored to address the complex challenges in manufacturing and asset-intensive industries.