At Stroma, we utilize our award-winning rugged edge processing devices, computer vision models and large language models (LLMs) to enhance safety and efficiency in manufacturing.


At Stroma, we utilize our award-winning rugged edge processing devices, computer vision models and large language models (LLMs) to enhance safety and efficiency in manufacturing and asset-intensive industries. Our technology prevents accidents, ensures top-notch quality control, and provides our industrial LLM copilot for seamless operations.

Stroma Edge Devices, encompassing Edge Cameras and the Edge Processor, serve as advanced vision sensors that analyze worker behavior around machinery and vehicles in real time, while also inspecting assembly lines for quality control issues. The Edge Processor, a compact yet powerful mini-industrial computer, processes industrial workplace data to alert managers real-time about unsafe worker behavior, quality control problems, or any efficiency issues. Its flexible and modular design allows for the integration of various asset monitoring sensors and vision AI, delivering tailored solutions that successfully meet the complex needs of our customers in the manufacturing and asset-intensive industries.

Stroma Krait is our end-to-end industrial AI workflow engine through an intuitive, node-based interface that significantly reduces the complexity associated with deploying AI models across numerous customer sites. It grants engineering and management professionals the powerful ability to autonomously design, integrate, and execute custom industrial AI solutions with our modular edge Stroma hardware, specifically tailored to address the complex challenges in manufacturing and asset-intensive industries.

Real-Time Advanced Safety: At its core, Stroma WorkSafe is designed to be a guardian for health and safety managers. Leveraging our cutting-edge computer vision models, we're able to detect a myriad of unsafe behaviors — from fatigue and distraction to ergonomic issues and PPE violations. Our system doesn't just detect; it acts by warning employees by ensuring safety and compliance around machinery and vehicles and, if necessary, triggering e-stops. Our analytical tools empower managers to dive deep into safety data, allowing them to identify high-risk periods, optimize shifts, and ensure that teams are well-informed and trained. Every piece of information feeds into one clear goal: achieving Zero Accidents.

Automated Quality Control: Beyond safety, Stroma has ventured into ensuring every product leaving an assembly line stands as a testament to quality. Through real-time monitoring, we're ensuring flawless products, and with instantaneous feedback, discrepancies are addressed immediately, thus minimizing waste and ensuring consistent quality.

Industrial Automation: Stroma Klein, our industrial LLM, converts complex data from various documents into actionable insights. Users can ask questions in natural language and receive accurate answers from diverse data sources such as operating procedures, troubleshooting guides, and maintenance logs. It supports both structured and unstructured data, features an LLM-agnostic architecture, provides deterministic responses with source references, and offers granular enterprise access controls.

Key Benefits

Safety and Risk Mitigation

  • Fewer Accidents and Lower Liability: Real-time monitoring and automatic flagging of violations create a safe and secure work environment, reducing accidents and minimizing liability.
  • Decreased Lost Time: Reducing worker injuries and incidents leads to fewer expenses related to medical care, paid time off (PTO), litigation, and disaster mitigation.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Maintaining compliance with industry standards and laws avoids legal fees and fines, safeguarding the organization's financial health and reputation.

Quality Assurance and Brand Reputation

  • Fewer Defects: Real-time monitoring ensures defects are caught instantly, avoiding costs from recalls and rework.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: Consistently delivering quality products and a safe work environment leads to increased customer and employee loyalty.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Meeting quality and safety guidelines ensures smoother supply chain operations and avoids legal complications.

Data-Driven Decision Making and Strategic Planning

  • Increased ROI: Insights from comprehensive data analysis reveal new revenue streams and cost-saving opportunities.
  • More Informed Decision-Making: Real-time, actionable insights empower managers to make data-driven decisions that minimize risks and maximize opportunities.
  • Better Strategic Planning: A holistic view of company knowledge and safety trends aids in crafting long-term strategies and goals.

Operational Efficiency and Productivity

  • Increased Operational Efficiency: A focus on safety and quality improves overall operational efficiency, leading to higher productivity and sustainability.
  • Lower Operating Expenses: Streamlining safety and quality checks reduces the need for manual inspections and costly on-site visits, contributing to cost savings.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Real-time data on quality and safety allows for effective allocation of materials, human resources, and assets.

Employee Satisfaction and Well-Being

  • Improved Employee Satisfaction: A safe and efficient work environment enhances job satisfaction, aiding in talent recruitment and retention.
  • Boosts Employee Morale: Commitment to safety, quality, and sustainability improves worker morale and fosters a positive work culture.

Reputation and Sustainability

  • Positive Reputation: Demonstrating commitment to safety, quality, and data-driven efficiency establishes a positive reputation among employees, customers, and the public.
  • Encourages Sustainability: Implementing sustainable practices in safety, quality, and knowledge management promotes a better corporate culture, reliable product manufacturing, and long-term profitability.


Stroma WorkSafe: Real-Time Workplace Safety

While the majority of the competition relies on generic CCTV systems, Stroma's advanced vision sensors are tailored for industrial safety needs. Traditional systems may suffice for basic tasks like PPE monitoring or asset tracking. In contrast, Stroma WorkSafe delves deeper, picking up nuanced behaviors like fatigue and ergonomic violations, enabling a proactive approach to safety, which few can match.

  • Personal Protective Equipment Compliance: Our system tracks PPE usage, including hardhats, glasses, gloves, and masks, ensuring compliance.
  • Workplace Intelligence: Our system tracks incidents such as slips, falls, falling objects, and suspicious activities like fast movement, running, and unconsciousness, allowing for timely intervention and risk prevention.
  • Fatigue and Distraction Monitoring: Real-time alerts based on continuous monitoring of fatigue, distraction, and activities like phone usage and eating.
  • Ergonomic Risk Analysis: Our solution reduces the risk of long-term and repetitive injuries by monitoring subtle movements and ergonomics for each worker, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Privacy-Aware Authentication: We offer facial recognition-based touchless entry solutions, enhancing security and reducing unauthorized access in risky work environments.
  • Proactive Intervention: Not just a monitoring system, but an active protector. Triggers e-stops and warnings to prevent mishaps in real-time.

Stroma QualityGuard: Automated Quality Control

Where most competitors’ vision systems stop at safety, Stroma pushes the boundaries into ensuring impeccable product quality. Our QualityGuard system uses the same advanced vision capabilities to monitor production lines in real-time. By immediately identifying and rectifying product defects or inconsistencies, we drastically reduce waste, ensure consistent quality, and bolster overall production efficiency, providing manufacturers with a dual advantage of safety and quality assurance.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Our edge cameras and processors are not just about safety. They ensure that every product leaving the assembly line meets the highest standards of quality.
  • Instantaneous Quality Alerts: Detect flaws, deviations, or inconsistencies in real-time, reducing wastage and ensuring consistency.
  • Batch Integrity Verification: Our system analyzes entire production batches for compliance with quality metrics, making sure there are no outliers that could compromise quality.
  • Material Quality Analysis: Before your product even begins its journey through the production line, our sensors analyze raw material quality to ensure a flawless end product.

Stroma Klein: Industrial LLM for Automation

The industry is flooded with data, but few have harnessed its true potential as Stroma has. With our Klein system, we employ Large Language Models (LLMs) to extract, synthesize, and present relevant data seamlessly. Whether it's sifting through extensive project reports, RFPs, or other complex documents, Stroma turns information into actionable insights faster than ever before. This LLM-powered knowledge management capability remains unparalleled in the industry, giving our users a competitive advantage in decision-making and resource allocation.

  • Automated Data Synthesis: Extract and consolidate relevant information without manual oversight.
  • Dynamic Repository: Transform vast amounts of textual data into actionable insights. From RFPs to project reports, Klein understands, categorizes, and presents information precisely when you need it.
  • Query-Driven Insights: Quickly find the information you need by asking questions in natural language, without having to consult a manual or dig through data yourself.
  • Automated Summary Reports: Generate executive summaries from dense documents like annual reports or RFPs in seconds, helping decision-makers focus on the most critical aspects.

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