Process Mining
Process Mining allows you to address questions big and small in a really short timescale (days not weeks) making use of a nugget of gold in every tech tool; the humble log file.
Managing Information and Data to benefit the whole Organisation beyond the Technology. We specialise in building out the Information Strategy using our own 7-Step Framework.
A key part of this is identifying and analysing what happens
Extensive experience working in organisations of all sizes to deliver value by identifying needs and problems and working to deliver solutions. Not all data can have value but all data carries liability.The application of Business Intelligence extracted using ourcutting-edge Mining and Analytic tool allows Intelidat and its partners toidentify opportunities in a very short time frame - measured in days, notmonthsThis can be used to interpret Customer Journeys, Supply ChainIssues, or Data Flows to understand not only Volume, Duration, Variation andPaths but also Risk, Cost, and Deviation.This can be applied to departments, depots, offices eventechnologies. Where are the problems, bottlenecks, pinch points and key areasto be addressed?Why do some teams achieve faster/better/more consistent results?How do process steps vary between offices and what does thismean to our risk profile?For Process Intelligence and Process Mining to work and deliverreal value, it needs a well-defined scope and aim. In fact, this is true of anyAI-driven solution