Field of Expertise

Low carbon heating


Stuart Speake is the founder and CEO of Soltropy Ltd and setup the company to develop his idea of an “ice immune” solar thermal panel. He has a BEng degree from Robert Gordon University and over the last 30 years has worked in various areas and disciplines. Prior to Soltropy, Stuart worked for 20 years for W. L. Gore, a large multi-national and the makers of Goretex™. Latterly he led a multi-national team that successfully implemented new manufacturing IT systems in Gore’s Japanese factory. He is winner of the “Made in Scotland” Inventor of the Year” 2018 award. Stuart founded Soltropy in 2012 to develop and exploit several innovations that would increase the effectiveness of solar thermal panels that produce hot water. Since then, a minimum a viable product has been developed, validated and adopted. First commercial sale was in 2018 installed in a dairy farm to produce hot water used for cleaning tanks and pipework after milking. Our patented, modular, solar thermal heating system can be used to provide hot water and space heating. Unlike other systems it’s designed to freeze and overheat without damage. It doesn’t need antifreeze reducing installation cost and maintenance is practically zero. More importantly using water instead of antifreeze as the heat transfer fluid means systems can be larger to maximise energy collection in the cooler months and be allowed to overheat in summer. So, what does this mean? Simply put, more energy captured, less capital and operational cost and faster payback