Field of Expertise

Oil & Gas Processing, Services, and Green Technology


The media is crude. Cleaning methods should not be. THE L-POD®: The L-POD® system is fully automated, self-managed, and self-contained. Utilizing the patented apparatus and methodology, the L-POD® takes in off-spec crude oil with high BS&W content and performs three-phase separation. Cleaned, pipeline-spec crude oil (at/below 0.05% BS&W) is pumped out of the unit. Water and sediments are removed from the oil and the unit. We recycle the off-gas produced from the process for use in multiple ways. Two of these are (a) process heat input and (b) electrical power generation. The L-POD® can be combined with other technologies at site locations to reduce carbon footprint, increase efficiencies, and create solutions to challenges. The largest L-POD® system can be mounted on a 53-foot trailer which enables it to easily be transported to a preferred location. It processes up to 10,400 barrels per day; actual capacity is tied to API oil gravity, water gravity, and contaminant levels. The L-POD® technology can be built in various sizes to process only hundreds of barrels per day up to the 10,400 BPD capacity of the largest unit. L-PODs® are available for leasing or purchasing. Each unit is commissioned and operator training is provided. OTHER SOLUTIONS: Red Stag Energy, LLC has a professional network which provides access to high pressure natural gas and low pressure natural gas / wellhead gas tie in points. This enables us to deliver solutions which eliminate flaring of gas while generating income, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, generate microgrid electrical power, and more.