Field of Expertise

Operational Excellence, Business Start Up, Marketing Strategy


Kupros is the manufacturer of the world's only patented all-metal FFF/FDM conductive filament. During lab testing conductivity was measured at 8007% higher than the nearest competitor, within 3% of bulk copper. Entering full-scale production in early 2023, the base product, Cu-29 will be ready to ship by the end of Q1. The remainder of the Cu-29 variants will be entering production in 2023. These include - Cu-29 AE - Aerospace Cu-29 RH - Radiation Hardening Cu-29 HC - High Conductivity The Super Conductivity version, Au-79 SC, will start development in 2024. Recently selected as a Top 10 finalist in the DoD xTech innovation competition, Kupros has received expressions of interest from NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, DoD Army Research Laboratory, NavSea Crane, various DoD prime contractors, the MedTech industry, and IoT Wi-Fi antenna manufacturers. The Cu-29 all-metal conductive filament will allow the printing of electronic circuits, including high-load applications, using domestic grade 3D printers (costing as little as $300 compared to current electronic circuit printing systems costing as much as $1M per unit). Also, because of the all-metal composition, there is no need for time consuming, costly and risky post production processing.