Corporate Insights Active Security Insight LEO represents a number of corporations who are seeking innovations/expertise within the Security sector.
BT Closed Security Advisor Service Tools BT are currently looking for tools their Security Advisor Service can deploy and use.
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Published Agriculture DINGO The DINGO is a portable vapour detector with the sensitivity of a sniffer dog. It has a broad chemical library, and is capable of responding to Australia's top priority pests By Richard Hebden
Published Software & Platforms Gen AI vision for wild life IronYun developed extensive object detection of hundreds of wild life animals and uses agentic AI tools to create deterrent strategies to prevent crop damages. By Paul Sun
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Published Fraud Transaction Detection for Banks: How AI is Defeating Cybercriminals? Fraud Transaction Detection for Banks: How AI is Winning the Battle Against Cybercriminals? By RaptorX Ai,
Published The Best Leather Bags for Business Professionals The Best Leather Bags for Business Professionals By Salamanca Leathers
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