Oxford Innovation

Founded by entrepreneurs; fuelled by innovators

Oxford Innovation is the UK’s leading provider of innovation spaces, providing innovators with the best chance of bringing their world changing ideas to life.

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Oxford Innovation was founded to provide support in three key areas:

  • Flexible, high quality and cost-effective workspace – offices, workshops and laboratories
  • Access to funding that fills the gap between what an entrepreneur can raise themselves - through family and friends - and what Venture Capital might fund
  • Support from highly qualified mentors, coaches and peers.

We develop and nurture business networks for a variety of university, public and private sector clients. Our solutions help our clients make a difference in their local economies, create spaces to innovate that support entrepreneurs and deliver on key performance objectives for building owners. In a growing and competitive market place, we look to target emerging trends using different approaches to our competitors. We work with our clients to understand the needs of their community and create new approaches based on the idea that differentiation is the key to success.

Over the last 30 years, we have played a positive role in shaping the innovation landscape. Being active community members, we have developed a unique understanding of the market and the need to target next practice, not best practice. This approach gives our clients the competitive edge when looking to develop a successful innovation centre that is both financially sustainable and future proof.