Novel Cable Condition Monitoring Techniques

Cable condition monitoring, minimising disruption, asset management and increasing efficiency.

National Grid are looking for innovative solutions to monitor the condition of cables.

Application Deadline
November 4th, 2024
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National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is an energy company dedicated to owning and maintaining the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales. Our primary objective is to deliver electricity safely, reliably, and efficiently to the customers and communities we serve, all while actively working towards a cleaner energy future.

NGET utilise several cable technologies, XLPE, oil-filled and mass-impregnated non-draining types. Ensuring the effective operation and longevity of these cables is of utmost importance to National Grid, as is making effective asset management decisions in this space. By their nature of installation, inspection is rarely a readily available option. Additionally, incorporating fiber technology into these cables can be challenging due to various factors such as difficulties in burying fiber optic cables near existing cables (put aside the effectiveness of the fibre in the first place) or the replacement of aging cables with new ones that already have built-in fiber optic wires.

The primary aim of this challenge is to create a reliable method to inform the end of life of XLPE cables through monitoring rather than reliance upon reactive measures. Predicting this endpoint is crucial because the process of procuring, manufacturing, and planning for cable replacement can sometimes span over a decade. It is essential for us to have a comprehensive understanding of the internal condition of our cable assets. Without this knowledge, we may be left with no choice but to replace equipment solely based on its age or risk operating assets beyond their intended lifespan, both of which are undesirable outcomes. Our objective is therefore to identify risk in a timely manner to inform necessary capital works.

It is important to note that opportunities for forensic analysis are rare, and proposed solutions should not require the repair or rejointing of the cable. Such samples are at risk of becoming weak points in themselves. Additionally, a point sample(s) may not provide an accurate representation of the cable's overall health. We are seeking an alternative solution (or solutions) that can provide comprehensive insights into cable condition without the need for physical sampling, without undue impact on routine maintenance activities or operating costs.


National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is in search of a non-intrusive online method for cable condition monitoring that does not require outages or constant partial discharge (PD) monitoring. Our aim is to find an alternative approach as we have limited opportunities for physical sampling.

We are primarily interested in solutions for XLPE cables. While we acknowledge the challenges in achieving an ideal solution, we are open to considering all viable options that can provide valuable insights.

What's in it for you?

A successful collaboration could mean, for individuals, becoming part of the wider National Grid group, while for organisations, forming a potential partnership with one of the world’s most iconic brands to co-develop and co-launch the idea to market.

This is a global challenge and National Grid are willing to collaborate with both individuals/freelancers and other industry participants/universities etc. and solutions can be at any stage of development.

If you have or are developing solutions, or if you have expertise in the above, please click "Apply" to submit your solution/expertise to the Network.