Saturation and Condensation in Direct Steam Pasteurisation

A major snacks manufacturer is looking to gain a deeper understanding of the pasteurisation process for low-moisture products using direct steam, and how process control influences pathogen inactivation.

Application Deadline
March 28th, 2025
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The control of saturation and condensation on the surface of the products is crucial for determining the level of control required to achieve the desired pathogen inactivation. It is important to balance energy consumption with the appropriate level of inactivation.


We want a solution or answer from a specialist on: 

  • How saturation/superheating of steam could be controlled, and excess of condensation could be avoided considering the variability of the process (temperature of the food; pressure; superheating of steam)?​ 
  • How micro condensation could increase pathogen inactivation, and which level would start impacting negatively of inactivation (reducing efficiency of pasteurization)?​ 
  • How condensation in the surface of low moisture products can be controlled in order to estimate inactivation level of pathogens? 

What's in it for you?

This is a global Challenge, and our company is willing to collaborate with both individuals’ freelancers, other industry participants, universities etc. We will have internal review of all applications once challenge has closed. 

Successful applications will be contacted.