Measuring Consumption In-Flight

Reducing waste through insights into on-board catering

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This airline is looking for innovators to jointly develop a solution that can measure consumption to forecast demand, minimize catering waste and increase sustainability.

Application Deadline
June 11th, 2024
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The company behind this challenge is a major airline with more than 300 flights per day and millions of passengers per year. 


With extensive data on catering usage, it becomes possible to predict demand during flight and therefore decrease the amount of food and drinks loaded on board. The systems in place do not currently collect or store this information. This will have a positive impact on sustainability due to reduction of waste and fuel consumption (less weight to carry), as well as a more efficient operation and reductions of costs.

To gain insight into, and accurately predict, the usage of catering services on board, we require data on the number of meals, snacks and drinks that are handed out to passengers.

Key success criteria:

  • Data should be collected on the individual flight level, but per individual passenger is a plus.
  • Distinguishing between types of meals and drinks is a must, i.e. count cans of cokes separately from coke light.
  • Limited impact on current employee work processes
  • Solution must comply with IATA regulations regarding what technologies are allowed to bring on board.
  • Close to commercialization solutions preferred; however, technologies at all maturities will be considered, provided that a viable pathway to commercialization can be determined.
  • Open to exploring all collaborators at this stage (commercial, academic, established institutions as well as start-ups)

Each flight, one or multiple rounds of catering services are conducted.  Besides these standard catering rounds, it is also possible for passengers to request additional food or drinks in between. Catering is free of charge for all passengers, regardless of what they order. So at this time no transactional data is recorded. Food and drinks which passengers can choose from, vary between classes (business, economy).

The solution should be scalable to be used regularly, if not continuously, on all flights (both short-haul and long-haul).

What's in it for you?

A successful collaboration could mean development of a pilot. First on the ground, but also in-flight in a later stage.

This is a global challenge, this organization is willing to collaborate with individuals, engineers, universities or organisations in the public or private sectors.

At this stage, we would prefer ready or close to commercialize solutions, but early development could be discussed with a potential partner.

If you have or are developing solutions, or if you have expertise in the above, please click "Apply" to submit your solution/expertise to the Network.