The introduction of inverted simple syrup in manufacturing plants significantly increases operational complexity.
The benefits of using this ingredient syrup are:
- Inverted simple syrup, is sweeter than regular sucrose and can achieve the desired level of sweetness using less product.
- The conversion of sucrose to its monosaccharide components (glucose and fructose) makes inverted syrup more soluble in liquids
Currently, inverted simple syrup is sourced externally for the manufacturing plant. To reduce logistics and raw material costs, we are seeking a cost-effective on-site solution to produce inverted simple syrup in-house.
We are particularly looking for solutions that could bring a differential added value into sucrose inversion process (operational cost, added value syrup transformation, etc).
What's in it for you?
Possibility to engage with an international Company and develop a solution that can be expanded and scaled across the globe.
Virtual pitching sessions will be held with all applicants whos submissions are of interest.