Calyxt's proprietary technology enables us to discover, design, engineer, verify and sustainably produce plant based molecules for a number of end markets


Finite resources are under pressure and there is growing momentum of companies committing to be carbon neutral by 2030. Together these are increasing the demand for sustainable, nature-derived products such as those developed from plants. Plants are amazing biological factories that generate an amazing breadth of chemistry. More than 200,000 compounds we interact with everyday originate in plants - everything from flavors to colors to chemicals used in advanced materials and fuels. Plants produce ~80% of all known natural organism-derived compounds. At Calyxt, we’re leaders in engineering the DNA that drives plant's metabolic processes that produce high-value compounds with more than a decade of proven expertise. Since 2010 founding, Calyxt focused on developing a technology platform and expanding knowledge of the genomes of ever-expanding number of plant species. Today, with our proprietary PlantSpring™ technology platform, we can predict, design, and program complex metabolic pathways in plants. PlantSpring builds on our expertise and proprietary systems, and incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. We can manufacture high-value, rare compounds using our BioFactory™ production system, a plant cell matrix-based manufacturing system that harnesses exponential growth to accelerate compound production. We can program plant cells to make everything from advanced materials to colors and fragrances to pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals while improving reliability, eliminating climate risk and building a more sustainable supply chain. Calyxt’s PlantSpring™ Platform + BioFactory™ System deliver rapid, never-before-seen plant-based innovation. The growth of synthetic biology demonstrates the recognition that there are better ways to produce the compounds our lifestyles demand while preserving finite resources and protecting our planet.

Key Benefits

Plant derived compounds and ingredients can be a differentiated and sustainable alternative. The growth of synthetic biology demonstrates the recognition that there are better ways to produce the compounds our lifestyles demand while preserving finite resources and protecting our planet. Our PlantSpring platform and BioFactory manufacturing system are particularly valuable because: (1) Many valuable compounds can only be produced in plants: Our system is unique in the syn-bio ecosystem; we leverage a plant cell matrix system to produce high-value compounds. (2) Reduced water usage: Our platform relies on a circular system, reusing water and other inputs, only replenishing what it consumes. (3) Reduced energy consumption: Chemical synthesis and fermentation systems can be temperature dependent, requiring systems to either heat or cool their processes. Our platform relies on ambient temperatures and is not light dependent. (4) Decoupled from environmental impacts and climate risks: Our platform overcomes some of the challenges of outdoor agriculture – seasonality, weather risk and soil degradation, plus operate without pesticides or added fertilizers. The uses of our technology are limitless. We can program plant cells to make everything from advanced materials to colors and fragrances to nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals while improving reliability, eliminating climate risk and building a more sustainable supply chain.


Prioritized end markets include nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, pharmaceuticals, advanced materials, and chemicals. These end markets include applications for our innovation as they all have current business needs to source finite biomolecules and reduce their carbon footprints. The BioFactory is particularly well-suite for the development of plant secondary metabolites and their precursors. The BioFactory can efficiently produce compounds in key functional classes: anti-feedant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, biosynthetic building block, colorant, flavor, fragrance, natural rubber, pesticidal, pharmacological, solvent/membrane solubilization, structural polymer and UV protectant. The BioFactory can efficiently produce compounds in key chemical classes: Alkaloids, Glucosinolates, Phenylpropanoids, Polyketides, Terpenes & Terpenoids. The BioFactory can also target biopolymers like proteins, starches, sugars, and cellulose.

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