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A better, sweeter taste & superior bite

With vacuum cooling you can cool rice or sushi within a few minutes, without drying the skin or opening the surface. In addition, vacuum cooling results in a sweeter taste and richer bite.

With vacuum you cool rice by "cooking it cold" in the vacuum chamber:

The pressure in the chamber is continuously reduced, lowering the boiling point of water and forcing water in the rice to boil. The energy (= heat) is drawn from the rice, causing it to cool. The husk will not dry out during cooling, the rice grains will grow slightly larger and have a more open surface texture due to the vacuum continuously pulling on each individual grain. The result is a sweeter taste and a better bite!

Due to the rapid cooling with vacuum you can let sushi rice cool down to the desired 30 - 35 ⁰C in just a few minutes, leaving bacteria no time to multiply. Then you can quickly cool the finished sushi to the desired storage temperature. This way you add extra shelf life to your product, without compromising on the taste or structure.

Once the sushi has been formed - vacuum cool again to maximize its shelf life. With vacuum you get a sweeter taste, richer structure and the best bite.

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