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collaborative creativity in the cloud

The battle for VR hearts and minds is in full swing as rumours circulate of a 2025 Apple 'Vision' mass market device Meanwhile, Meta continue to pump $billions into the Occulus Rift - which they have now reduced to $250.. Meta have also recently announced that they are licensing out their VR core tech to Lenovo, Asus and Microsoft - as they look to become 'for VR headsets what Microsoft was for PC's' source: The verge

Immersive learning with VR is a proven success - and the creative opportunity to engage with your own creative team in the cloud is compelling. 'FirstStage' ( ) is a VR based immersive learning app creation toolkit that enables users to meet in the cloud and iteratively create content according to whatever bespoke requirements may be required.

Directly linked to the Unity Asset store, users can download interactive scenarios, characters and art assets to create their own immersive learning content - at a fraction of the current development costs. Sign up with us and we will walk you through the creative process. We will also give you a 30 day free trial - because we are confident that once in you will love the creative sandbox freeedom that FirstStage provides.

We are in early Alpha testing prior to launching on the Meta store - so any feedback you may have would be very welcome !i

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