Field of Expertise

3D body modelling; 3D garment creation; Apparel virtual try-on; Apparel virtual model imagery; AR; ML; Social commerce


Today, consumers have near infinite access to clothes online. How do you help them to discover if your brand's designs are relevant to them? ⯈ "Relevant: appropriate to the current time, period, or circumstances; of contemporary interest" Surfacing relevant content and advertising are key activities of the most successful digital companies (think Google, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix). But it is a concept we rarely think about in the apparel industry... When was the last time you heard someone ask "How can we help consumers quickly evaluate if our designs and brand are relevant to them?" I am convinced that is the question successful digital-first clothing brands of the future will be asking themselves (anyone willing to take on a bet on whether someone at Amazon Fashion has asked this question?) The inherent physical nature of clothing (it literally touches everyone in the world) has made tackling this question especially difficult in an online context. However, a series of interconnected technologies (think 3D, AR, ML, Social Commerce, Influencer marketing platforms) are on the cusp of evolving to a maturity level that will create new online practices in the apparel industry. At Metail we are inspired and motivated to unearth new ways of harnessing these technologies so that brands, creators, publishers and influencers can deliver more relevant, delightful and useful apparel experiences for consumers. By achieving this, we will help apparel brands convert new cohorts of digital-first consumers into customers.