Field of Expertise

Innovations, TIPS (TRIZ), renewable energy,


The SMARTii is a special Research & Development team Our basic activity is to develop our own original ideas. Our research fields cover renewable energy collectors and storing devices, environment protection, water technologies, air pollution, security technologies and performance optimization. In these fields listed above, we undertake counseling in the topics of innovation, system analyzation and product development, with the use of our TRIZ based “SID method”. problems in the life of a person, and can reduce the GHG emission and the technology addiction without compromises. Philosophy: Developing and spreading LowTech&HighValue tools and systems providing relatively low complexity yet high use values that can make life or even survival easier for millions of people. Research & Development: Our basic approach is system-wide. One tool/product/process has countless connections in the reality, therefore it is crucial to analyze what kind of effects this new idea/invention/product has on the environment throughout its whole lifecycle. From the used materials, through the production, to the recycling we must analyze the changes effects and results caused by the tool/product/process. Science: We believe in today’s physics and apply its laws and rules, furthermore, we trust mathematics when we test our ideas with calculations in the first steps of development.