Leak Characterisation System
Measuring basic pressure and flow parameters at strategic points of a closed water distribution network, at consistent periodic intervals to determine critical leak information.
Innovation Commercialisation and Management
Francois has over 13 years’ experience in new product and technology development, technology commercialisation, technology transfer and business development for technology ventures. He is passionate about technology ventures and innovation management. He is currently an Innovation Commercialisation Manager at the Research Contracts and Innovation (RC&I) department at the University of Cape Town. In his role he aims to develop and commercialise early-stage technologies from UCT in the global marketplace. Francois previously worked as an electronic engineer and a system engineer in South Africa. He co-founded a technology development company in 2011 before existing the venture in 2014. He has obtained exposure to, and experience in, a wide range of industries, applications, and markets. Francois obtained a master’s degree in engineering from the North-West University Potchefstroom campus (NWU) in South Africa. He has also completed several short courses in technology entrepreneurship, technology transfer, techno-economic analysis and intellectual property management.