Field of Expertise

Legionella Consultant of 25 years with 15 years as a specialist business owner


25 years in the field as a Legionella Consultant & 15 years as a business owner using IoT to deliver a more effective method since 2018

After long recognising the limitations in the techniques used to manage Legionella risks and client budgets, we have developed over a time a system that uses IoT technology to bring enhanced levels of Legionella Control.

Our system has been in use and subject to continual development for six years. Our objective has always been to provide real insights on how water systems preform in a format that is clearly understood and not simply an administrator to the common practice of a tick box exercise.

Such is the effectiveness of IoT, for a budget similar to manual Legionella compliance, the health of the water system is continually monitored to forewarn of issues that could compromise the business to function.

This provides different sectors with huge advantages to meet their clients needs. A great and simple example being how social landlords can keep their tenants hot water flowing thus reducing complaints and driving efficiencies.