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Economic Development · Stakeholder Management · Event Planning · Business Development ·


The Connected Innovation network links together 25 of Norfolk and Suffolk’s leading innovation, science, and research hubs into one of the UK’s most collaborative regional innovation clusters. The network, launched in 2021, encompasses a number of technology capabilities such as AI, robotics, 5G connectivity, digital ICT, fintech, environmental and marine science, health tech and life science to drive innovation-led economic growth in key sectors including agri-food, health, offshore renewables, manufacturing and engineering and financial services.

This programme is driving collaboration across these innovation-centric locations, driving cross-sector innovation across our key clusters (including agri-food, manufacturing, offshore wind, nuclear, creative industries, tourism, health and social care, etc.), simplifying business and innovation support in the region and importantly is a front-door for Government departments and agencies to engage with our innovation ecosystem.

Connected Innovation draws together innovation and funding support partners to simplify the support landscape for businesses. We have a funding and investment sub-group which draws together information on VC, grants and loans for businesses, as well as regular engagement with key partners across the Innovate UK family (including KTN, KTPs, EDGE and the Catapult Network).