Field of Expertise

Capacity optimisation, Grid reliability, Asset Health


Ampacimon is the global leader in electricity grid monitoring. In particular, Ampacimon has deployed the largest number of dynamic line rating systems in the world. Our patented technologies increase the capacity of existing transmission and distribution systems, monitor critical asset health conditions, and identify mechanical and electrical faults. As well, Ampacimon offers a performing method of partial discharge detection and analysis that allows for the continuous and online monitoring of high voltage electrical assets, such as gas insulated substations (GIS), transformers and underground, insulated cables. Thanks to its GridVisor product, a sensor installed on conductors on Distribution overhead lines, the fault current indication, mechanical impact detection, and GPS localization allows faster fault response, by pinpointing the fault location and giving the likely cause. Improvements in restoration and reliability allows return on investments from tangible SAIDI improvements.