Published Medical Coupling Method of Oligomers Enable synthesis of large protein and protein-mimetic polymers, including biomaterials such as collagen and elastin. By Ananda Ghosh
Published Medical Cortical Electrode Array. It may be used to stimulate, monitor or record neurological activity and may be used over short and long periods of time for chronic or extended treatment or recording By Ananda Ghosh
Published Medical Fibrin Binding Peptides Identifies sites of thrombosis, fibrin deposition or atherosclerotic plaques and targets and delivers thrombolytic agents to such sites. By Ananda Ghosh
Published Wearable Technology 3-D Autostereoscopic Display Using eye-tracking hardware, it allows the viewer to move nearer, farther, to the left or right, without compromising the sense of reality and dimensionality. By Ananda Ghosh
Published Medical Inhibitors of Perk Kinase PERK inhibitors might be used to treat solid tumors that have increased UPR signaling such as lung, breast, liver, gastric, and colon cancer. By Ananda Ghosh
Published Telecommunications Pro-Drive Pro-Drive produces accurate, context-specific, user-specified, and real-time recommendations more specific to the consumer’s needs. By Ananda Ghosh