Field of Expertise

In-SIM software delivering data and insights to improve customer experience


Our solutions portfolio supports Mobile Network Operators, Regulatory Agencies, and other telecommunications companies. Through extrapolation of data generated by our solutions into Key Performance Indicators, we are able to monitor service levels delivered over a broad geography (including in-building and remote areas) and across a large range of devices. The resultant data provides our customers with the ability to react quickly to poor service and to prioritize action to improve service quality and the overall customer perception of the service and MNO brand. Deployed as Javacard Applets on physical Subscriber Identification Module (pSIM) or Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (eSIM), analytics of data generated provides insights into subscriber experience that drives retention and loyalty while increasing lifetime customer value (LCV). The effective recording of subscriber service consumption patterns, location, and experience, combined with optimized levels of service assurance, also delivers higher levels of customer satisfaction and improvements in brand positioning.