1MRobotics develops autonomous stores, enabling 24/7 unmanned omnichannel operations with 100% loss prevention


1MRobotics is revolutionizing the retail sector through its innovatively designed unmanned autonomous stores, leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. These stores provide an unparalleled convenience by operating around the clock, and their swift deployment process can establish operational stores within days. The outlay of 1MRobotics' stores is crafted to capitalize on omnichannel retailing, thus providing a seamless bridge between online and offline shopping experiences. The integration of high-level security measures ensures that each store is not only unmanned but also secure, offering a modern shopping solution that prioritizes efficiency and customer experience across various platforms.

Key Benefits

1MRobotics develops autonomous robotic stores, enabling 24/7 unmanned omnichannel operations.

The 1MRobotics Autonomous Store key value points are:

•⁠ ⁠Omnichannel full coverage - Incremental revenue generation through omnichannel service - POS, Click & Collect, Marketplace integration for courier delivery pick-up

•⁠ ⁠24/7 unmanned service enablement

•⁠ ⁠Off-the-shelf system, pre-assembled and shipped ready for deployment - creating significant cost reduction in establishment costs vs. regular stores

•⁠ ⁠100% loss prevention through safe stock storage


Our target markets are North America and Europe.

Our target sectors are:

  • Grocery Retail
  • Convenience Retail
  • Travel & Hospitality Retail

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