UNDO is a world-leading carbon dioxide removal project developer specialising in enhanced rock weathering.

We're harnessing the power of nature for a greener future


Enhanced weathering is a nature-based technology that permanently locks away CO₂ from the atmosphere. The geological process of weathering has happened naturally for millions of years, removing billions of tonnes of CO₂ over Earth's history. UNDO accelerates this natural process by spreading crushed silicate rock with a high reactive surface area onto agricultural land, where plants and microbes in the soil speed up the weathering process. The breakdown of the rock by CO₂ dissolved in rainwater releases nutrients and bicarbonates, which end up in the oceans as solid carbonate minerals, permanently removing CO₂.

Key Benefits


Unlike tree planting, carbon dioxide is permanently locked away for hundreds of thousands of years. Once the carbon has been removed, this cannot be reversed.


When you support us, the crushed silicate rock is spread on agricultural land within weeks. The weathering process begins removing CO2 and enriching the soil straight away.

Energy efficient
We use farm machinery to spread an aggregate by-product on local land. This ensures our operations have a 95% carbon efficiency for basalt and 90% for wollastonite.

Soil Fertility

Silicate rocks, such as basalt and wollastonite, are mineral-rich. As they weather, they release nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, improving soil health and reducing the need for fertilisers.

Crop yield

Trials with The University of Newcastle show an increase in crop yield following the application of crushed basalt rock, supporting global food security.

Green Jobs

Our silicate rock reduces costs for rural agricultural communities. Rather than importing machines and talent, we work with local contractors.

Ocean Health

The alkaline bicarbonate ions captured during the enhanced rock weathering process are eventually washed out to sea, where they help deacidify our oceans and are used by marine creatures to build their shells.


Large corporates looking to procure and scale permanent carbon removal for mitigating against their residual emissions. Key verticals:

  • Tech
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Airlines
  • Food & Beverage

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