The SitBit is a combination of hardware and software components capable of monitoring and communicating the everyday sitting behaviour of wheelchair user.
Background: People who are wheelchair bound, either permanently or temporarily, can be susceptible to pressure ulcers. These ulcers, although preventable through regularly shifting one’s weight, can have critical effects in all aspects of life. They can lead to reduced participation, mobility, longer unemployment, increased risk for future ulcers, and premature death. Studies conducted at Georgia Tech found that individuals with a history of ulcers only shifted their weight half as much as individuals without a history. When surveyed, participants indicated they felt an app that notified them of when they needed to shift their weight would allow preventive behavior mechanisms to avoid these ulcers from occurring. Technology: The SitBit is a combination of hardware and software components capable of monitoring and communicating the everyday sitting behavior of wheelchair user. The hardware consists of a force-sensing mat and a data logger that lies beneath the wheelchair cushion cover, which will store and collect data for 30 days. The mat is placed beneath the wheelchair cushion to maintain cushion performance . This required researchers to develop an algorithm to recalculate how the cushion distributes a user’s weight over the 4-8 sensors. The invention is accompanied by a phone application that allows users to receive and react to feedback in real-time from the sensors, alerting them on how and when to shift their weight in order to avoid ulcers. Potential Commercial Applications: The SitBit has use for both wheelchair users and mobility researchers. Researchers who are interested in studying movement within researchers can use this sensor to collect data on participants in a more accurate way than self-reports. The SitBit would especially have use in areas like nursing homes where users might be unable to shift themselves or forget and caretakers can instead use the application to keep track of their patients and shift their seating for them. Benefits/ Advantages: · Allows for wheelchair cushion to operate as designed · Researchers can conduct studies on seat movement with more accurate data than self-reports · Application provides immediate feedback · An easily preventable but potentially deadly ailment is prevented