Based on a new event-based architecture and microledgers, TAPLE will allow to track provenance and lifecycle events, with no consensus needed, by using electronic signatures.


Key Benefits

- Transaction cost is not dependant on cryptocurrency variation. It is a node fix-cost based. - High scalability of the network as no consensus is required and it is based on microledgers - Designed to be run also on small capacity devices, like mobiles or IOT HubsFunded by the European Union, 2021/C005/00141250


Use Cases for any process or assets that must be tracked: - sectors: energy, water, food, transport,... knowing for each digital subject who, when and where has created the subject; who, when and where any related event has been originated and process; and who, when and where the subject has been completed. - processes: traditional or circular economy, to know the differerent status of the processes, from the beginning to the completion, every event is digitally tracking and everyone, interested in that specific process represented by a digital subject, is informed and knowing the status. ...

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