Blockchain powered data driven platform to enable digitization, transparency, Sustainability and compliance for food and agri supply chains to align with Climate targets and SDGs


TraceX Technologies is an Agri & Climate Tech start-up based out of India. On a mission to build Climate Resilient, Connected Food and Agri Supply Chains, TraceX’ s technology platform leverages the power of Blockchain to ensure end to end traceability of food across supply chain and extends itself to provide digital measurement, reporting and verification (DMRV) capability to realize high quality verifiable carbon credits for accelerating climate action and sustainability


Key Benefits

Our client derrive manifold benefits across ecological, economic, and social betterteriorment. Sustainable supply chains enable companies to navigate regulations such as the European Union's Deforestation Regulation effortlessly, ensuring deforestation-free practices and due diligence. They also help businesses to manage their Scope 3 emissions and align with stringent carbon regulations. Our blockchain-powered data-driven software support the digitization, transparency, and compliance of fragmented supply chains, directing them towards meeting Climate targets and Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, adopting such systems facilitates the measurement and reporting required to produce carbon projects with certifiable impacts. Additionally, we empower our clients with actionable insights and end-to-end visibility, which not only ensures product authenticity and integrity but also aids in operational decision-making to further productivity and profitability. By integrating nature-based solutions and leveraging accurate, editable, and exchangeable information protocols, each stakeholder in the supply chain can contribute to a nature-positive, climate-resilient, and equitable future.


Supply chains are being revolutionized by innovations such as blockchain which enhances traceability and accountability throughout the entire supply lifecycle. Our solutions can be applied to various aspects of supply chain management, enabling stakeholders to ensure the provenance of raw materials, including compliance with deforestation-free practices and adherence to labor standards. Specifically, companies are leveraging our innovations to meet climate targets and align with Sustainable Development Goals by creating transparent food and agriculture supply chains that both combat climate change and support equitable growth. Bypassing traditional barriers, businesses can now track the sourcing, production, and distribution of goods, while maintaining the integrity of informational exchanges within the network. Additionally, the application of real-time data analytics supports decision-making processes and facilitates compliance with increasingly stringent environmental and sustainability regulations, such as the EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR). Overall, our solutions contribute to more sustainable and resilient food systems, addressing critical issues such as climate action and nature loss while simultaneously transforming sectors like livestock, poultry, dairy, agri produce, agribusiness, and seafood for the better planet

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