A web-based reporting system (TBGxmonitor) which verifies calibration of diagnostic devices and provides an EQA of diagnostic sites.


Opportunity A verification and external quality assessment (EQA) protocol and kit linked to a web-based reporting system (TBGxmonitor�) which verifies calibration of diagnostic devices and provides an EQA of diagnostic sites.   The global absence of an on-site verification and EQA protocol to confirm that diagnostic devices, such as GeneXpert, are operating correctly and ensure that the testing is performed properly are lacking. Wits researchers have developed a protocol and kit which interfaces with TBGxmonitor� to measure and monitor molecular diagnostic test quality. The protocol makes use of a kit with "spots".  The spots contain a known quantity of dried culture of the test organism for the purposes of verification and EQA.  Key Benefits Verification and EQA of molecular diagnostic devices and tests Improved reliability of molecular diagnostic test results Easy handling Current Status To date the EQA and verification program has been used to test the quality of 4317 GeneXpert modules in 18 countries.  Applications Verification and EQA programs  Registered Intellectual Property Status The technology is the subject of granted patents in South Africa and USA and pending patent applications in, India, OAPI, ARIPO (accepted), and China; and a PCT application. Lifetime of patent remaining: 17 years Principal Researchers Lesley Scott and Wendy Stevens Likely Route to Market The technology will be spun out and there is potential for additional licensing Business Plan in Place A business plan has been developed and was the winning submission in the GAP Biosciences 2014 competition Entrepreneur Identified Wits is incubating the company with significant participation from the team Funding/Licensee Required The technology will be spun out and there is potential for additional licensing Funders Approached to Date Partners are sought to support the spin-off  

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