Smart Oasis is hyper local, modular farm within thermally insulated superstructure powered by the totally controlled environment technology and comprehensive aeroponics irrigation.


Innovation is not available to food growers, so they are forced to innovate themselves.

However we believe that no farmer should have to build his own tractor.

We are the next generation start up with deep science foundation and strong commitment to knowledge sharing, involving young generations in farming of the future. Smart Oasis has been recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Top Innovator for food ecosystems in arid climates aligning innovation with regeneration.

Our modular farms have a high level of automation, speed up germination and optimise plant growth cycle through high precision processes. Integrated into rural or urban landscape they can function anywhere on the planet, providing consistent and predictable yields, germinating and growing plants without any harmful chemicals and with minimal water use.

Key Benefits

Smart Oasis is a water independent controlled environment farm powered by sustainable energy source, utilising comprehensive automated aeroponics technology developed for space stations.

Self sufficient, reducing time of growth from seed to harvest; independent of external conditions.

Growing full size plants within 21-24 days - 35% faster than competitors.

Germinating plants within 12 days (reducing time of a vertical farm by half).

Reducing carbon footprint by using renewable energy. Electricity consumption 250-280kWh per day.

Off grid energy and connectivity enabled, to support rural or remote communities.

Reducing water consumption and water run off. Water Independent harvesting 100l per day at 80% humidity and 30 degrees Celsius. Water consumption 1.5square meters per month, with surplus distributed for localised irrigation.

Reducing the need for land and enabling soil regeneration and biodiversity projects.

Positioned hyper-locally in the place of need, reducing CO2 emissions associated with supply chain. Reducing waste.

Reducing dependence on chemical fertilisers.

Reducing gender gap by supporting women growers to generate income.


Our main objective is to make growers profitable and more resilient to face impact of climate derailment in decades to come.

Smart oasis is local in scale but global in scope, enabling technology to small and medium growers, bridging gap between tradition and innovation.

We identify key regional challenges such as access to energy, water, land, and labour and provide technology and infrastructure that addresses these challenges. We analyse local markets and supply chain from farm to fork and integrate our modules seamlessly into rural & urban landscape.

Everything that humans consume is either mined or grown.

Our target market are existing small and medium horticultural or agricultural growers, urban growers, corporate sector motivated by ESGs, independent retailers and wholesalers, nootropics and medicinal plant growers, pharmaceutical industry, municipalities and public institutions, emerging plant based food producers, Argo-tourism and HoReCa.

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