Can be used in any splint type, treatment and monitoring of condition in same device, splints already the accepted standard of care worldwide & can monitor for long periods of time


Overview The smart splint technology is a thin-film pressure sensor module that is integrated into the common dental splints in use today by dentists, to accurately monitor and diagnose bruxism. It replaces the current manual practice of imprecise assessment and associated repeat costs to the patient and insurer. Problem Addressed Bruxism is a major dental problem, affecting at least 8-20% of the population. If undiagnosed or improperly managed it can cause severe and costly damage to teeth or expensive restorations (e.g. implants and crowns) and frequently causes facial pain. Presently there are no reliable, objective ways of confirming a diagnosis, assessing the severity of the condition or monitoring treatment effectiveness or compliance. Bruxism patients are normally treated with a splint or nightguard, which protects the teeth. 2.5million splints are made annually in the USA alone, with a annual cost of $1billion. Access to objective data on an individual patient’s bruxism will allow the dentist to more accurately decide who needs a splint, what type of splint they should use and how long they should use it for. This will in turn increase patient compliance. Importantly it will also indicate, on an individual basis, the risks to the teeth and restorations in the mouth and allow treatment planning to reduce the frequency and cost of treating and retreating these. Competitive Advantages Over Other Methods (1) Can be used in any splint type (2) Treatment and monitoring of condition in same device (3) Splints already the accepted standard of care worldwide (4) Can monitor for long period of time (5) Doesn’t significantly increase bulk of splint (6) Low cost Technology and Patent Status The SmartSplint uses a silicone sensor containing carbon particles. Pressure input causes a resistance change that is detected and wirelessly transmitted for data storage and analysis. An example of the data output is shown below. IDFs have been filed with the TTO in TCD around the methodologies for reliably integrating the sensors into the splints and on other potentially lucrative applications. Patents will be filed once the final technology embodiment and manufacturing methods have been decided The Opportunity The product is at the alpha –prototype stage and the scientific concept has been proven. The sensor technology is in the process of refinement. Market demand has been validated – 90% of dentists (n=80) said they frequently encounter problems with diagnosis and management of bruxism and 85% would buy the product if had the functionality previously described. The pricing environment is very favourable, reimbursement codes are in place and the value proposition is clear for all stakeholders. This is a very large market niche dealing with an important, unsolved problem and competition is minimal at this point. An Opportunity Exists For •Investors who would like to invest in this project as a start-up company •Irish companies who would like to license this technology or enter into a strategic alliance to capitalise on this high growth opportunity in a new market •Researchers who would like to collaborate on the project or become involved in its on-going development  

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