A fully automated solution that transforms organic waste into energy-rich biogas on-site, which can be used for renewable heat and electricity.


The food chain produces huge amounts of waste. Which must be managed. This usually means transporting it to a central facility to be dealt with. The Flexibuster plant transforms organic waste into energy-rich biogas on-site, and comprises a fully automated anaerobic digestion process that does not require specialist expertise to operate. The modular design allows easy scalability by simply adding modules for larger waste streams. Waste-disposal costs and the methane emissions are avoided as the gas is captured and used for energy generation.

Key Benefits

Turns food waste into energy. Removes carbon emissions of waste transportation. Removes costs of centralised waste processing. Electricity savings. Recovers water and organic fertiliser for reuse. Reduces emissions associated with transport of waste. Adds resilience at building level. Brings energy to remote areas.


Corporates or municipalities needing to treat organic waste will benefit from using our system. The units can be deployed where the organic waste is produced and return the benefit of the waste such as energy, water and fertiliser, to the site.

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