EH Group's unique fuel cell technology overcomes the challenges of bulkiness, complexity and high costs.


Uniquely re-designed Fuel Cells at the microstructure level, making it significantly more compact, lightweight and efficient. It also simplifies the overall Fuel Cells system architecture by reducing or eliminating auxiliary components, making it more efficient and cheaper. The first-generation product delivers a power density of 1.5-2 times that of leading competitors‚ products. This technology also integrates proprietary machinery that will enable the production at scale at a cost of less than 100EUR/kW (vs 1,000 EURk/W currently). Lastly, this technology can operate with minimal effects of gravity and in any orientation, making it a great candidate in the mobility sector."

Key Benefits

- Technology Edge- FC Stack: a significantly lighter, more compact, and efficient fuel cell product, with much greater power density characteristics - Technology Edge- FC System: higher overall system efficiencies, simplified system architecture with fewer overall components and lower costs. - Cost Advantage: The marketplace for fuel cells is currently around 1,000 EUR/kW. Our first-gen production implementation should see us drop to below 200 EUR/kW, dropping below 100 EUR/kW at larger volumes - Design Scalability: Our FC stack has inherent design scalability which allows it to be deployed from small 1kW applications, through to 100kW mobile applications and up to multi MW microgrids using the same underlying technology platform


Our fuel cell product offering can be used in stationary applications such as commercial and residential buildings, data centres, telecom towers, hospitals, etc. Furthermore, due to its compactness, our technology is a front-running candidate for mobile/automotive applications, particularly in the commercial sector, (such as buses, trucks, vans, forklifts, trains, ferries, aviation etc.) where weight and volume reduction are two key criteria.

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