Rize is a platform where farmers can monitor their carbon footprint, design a regenerative project, and enter a carbon programme with their crop buyers.


Rize is a platform where farmers can monitor their environmental footprint, simulate the impact of regenerative agriculture practices, and receive funding from carbon credits. Rize has been focusing on creating an extremely simple interface where farmers can onboard autonomously in less than one hour (this is absolutely unique in the industry). The platform relies on advanced MRV infrastructure such as: tier 3 models and satellite imagery. Features will be released over the 2023 summer to provide food companies with collaborative interfaces to collaborate with their farmers and drive their regenerative programmes.

Key Benefits

Rize platform offers farmers a lean and easy to use tool to generate carbon funding as a commodity. Shortly (this summer), the platform will allow food companies to scale easily their regeneration programmes with tools that farmers can painlessly adopt.


Our platform can be used by all players along the food chain to collaborate around the regenerative transition, as a basis for regeneration programmes.

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