This local ancestry inference method is both faster and more accurate than the previous state-of-the-art.
Summary: Stanford researchers have discovered a fast, discriminative method for inferring local ancestry and correcting phase errors. This local ancestry inference method is both faster and more accurate than the previous state-of-the-art. It has been demonstrated to have high accuracy when inferring sub-continental ancestries, as well as when reference information is sparse. It has also been demonstrated to improve phase estimates. Applications: In medical genetics and trait mapping studies, where local ancestry information can be used to increase statistical power In demography, where local ancestry information can be used to infer the histories of populations Advantages: Fast, accurate, easy to use Simultaneously corrects phase errors in the input data Speed can be increased through parallelization Can use dense whole genome sequencing data Highly accurate in scenarios where other methods do poorly, such as small, low quality, or nonexistent reference panels