This application can securely transfer the audio-visual data and a beats-per-minute graph to a remote Consultant, in real time.
Midwives monitor foetal beats via Doppler devices generating audio records. This application can securely transfer the audio-visual data and a beats-per-minute graph to a remote Consultant, in real time. Supports Consultant to make informed decision and provides the pregnant mother with ‘peace of mind’. Features - Intelligent Real Time Communication enabling Remote Consultancy - Audio & Graphical Display replicating CTG machine graphs - Save & Replay Readings from digital Doppler devices - View patient history, conditional alerts & reminders securely - Stand Alone or Integrated with clinical system Clients And Experience The application is currently being piloted in a secondary care hospital with a midwife clinic. The application has created interest in the community midwifery, hospital obstetrics units and prison systems. Remote monitoring of foetal heart beats has gained considerable attention due to the concerns of human error in reading foetal heart beats, litigations due to mishearing or not providing preventative care. Solutions like transferring the sounds over the telephone or via the intra/internet has not gained sufficient pace simply because the noise that the sound transfer carries. Some processing deletes the essential sounds that the Consultant might wish to hear. This application transfers the digital recording from an ordinary Doppler device to a beats per minute graph which is usually created by CardioTocography machines strapped to the patient for continuous monitoring in a hospital bed for at least 24 to 48 hours. At present, during clinics midwives would admit patients to the hospital ward for the Consultant to advice on the condition if they are not completely sure of the sound from the Doppler device. Generally patients go through the CTG machine monitoring over 24 to 48 hours creating continuous paper records of the foetal heart sounds from which the Consultant is able to ascertain the situation. Patients without problems are discharged. This percentage of patient who are unnecessarily admitted to the hospital ward for a couple of days or more, causes the patients dissatisfaction, unnecessary anxiety and discomfort. Additionally the health organisations cost of the two bed days are unnecessarily spent. On the other hand there might be cases where preventative actions would have saved the unborn child, and missing such an opportunity due to human error is also seen as a severe downside of monitoring pregnancy without the appropriate support and advice. With this innovative application, the Clinicians, Midwives and Consultants, gain more confidence with the available information, helping them to deliver better patient care, at the point of care. Consultant intervention is only requested on-demand. The Consultants time is utilised more efficiently with remote monitoring of multiple midwives rather than attending one clinic. The learning curve is minimal as the application is run via one screen only and apart from logging in and connecting the Doppler device there is no change in the process that the midwives are used to doing in an ordinary situation. The Consultant’s screens are also reduced in processes. On log-ins they are allowed to view the patient’s graphical images, hear the sounds in real time and check the historical data to be more informed to take their decisions. Patient satisfaction level rises, with peace of mind that the consultant has reviewed the situation real time. Patients who are needed to be admitted to the hospital are admitted saving the anxiety and unnecessary admission where not needed. Speed To Deliver/Market The application is ready for deployment and we are happy to demonstrate the total flow of data. We would recommend a quick pilot to ensure any customisation needed with the existing Doppler device that the client organisation is using. Some development time would be needed if client wishes to integrate with existing patient system.
Key Benefits
- Improves Clinical Time Efficiency - Reduces unnecessary hospital admissions - Improves preventative care delivery - Improves patient experience - Encourages home births - Time & Cost Savings