Remedium’s sorbent can maintain 3 times higher uptake capacity than natural sorbents after 100 cycles. The spent sorbents are reused in the cement industry for clinker production.


Our team currently includes four members. The founding team has PhDs in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge and the University of Calgary. Omid (Co-founder & CEO) is currently a postdoc at the University of Cambridge Engineering Department, whereas Moji (Co-founder & CTO) is a senior knowledge analyst in CCUS at BCG. Our engineering director, Ahmad, has more than 30 years of experience working for EPC companies such as Wood and Petrofac, and our business director, Sandy, with a double master’s degree in economics, has worked for the Scottish government as an analyst.Our vision is to “Transform CO2 capture into a profitable grid-scale battery” Our mission is to deliver a scalable and profitable solution to cement and steel industry to eliminate their CO2 emission.

Key Benefits

One of the main obstacles for calcium looping commercialization is the decrease in sorbent reactivity after multiple cycles. Remedium’s lab-scale testing showed that its patent-pending sorbent can maintain uptake capacity of 5 times higher than natural sorbents after 100 cycles. Remedium’s sorbents are applicable to a wide range of industries (i.e. post-combustion capture, blue hydrogen production, and direct air capture). Additionally. The spent sorbents are reused in the cement industry for clinker production, whereas conventional amine systems produce up to 2 kg of waste amines per tonne of CO2. The efficiency penalty of our process is only 5-8%, notably lower than that of amine systems at 8-12%. Our process is versatile and well-suited for a wide range of flue gases, applicable to sorption enhanced reforming (SER) process for blue hydrogen production, and capable of scaling up to the megatonne scale.Our technology can be retrofitted to current infrastructure to capture CO2 from existing plants. An unique feature of our sorbents and methods is the use of spent sorbents from our process in the cement industry for clinker production. This introduces additional revenue streams and reduces waste production. For comparison, conventional amine systems produce up to 2 kg of waste amines per tonne of CO2 captured.Remedium’s technology is capable of capturing CO2 at a much lower cost ($25/tonne) than some of the other players in the industry. Most carbon capture technologies suffer from the competitive adsorption of moisture in the flue gas and CO2, resulting in lower CO2 capture efficiency. In our process, humidity improves the CO2 capture performance, resulting in an improved capture capacity.


The carbon capture market can be differentiated based on the concentration of CO2 in the gas stream emitted from point source emitters. High-concentration sources encompass natural gas processing plants, ammonia plants, and ethylene oxide plants. Medium-concentration streams pertain to cement and steel plants, while low-concentration streams are typically associated with gas power generation and aluminum plants.Remedium's technology is optimally suited for medium-concentration streams (cement and steel), as they strike a balance between capture ease (higher concentration streams are more straightforward to capture) and market size within the sector. Cement and steel account for 17% of annual CO2 emissions globally, with 6 billion tonnes of CO2. The major issue with cement and steel is that their CO2 emissions are embedded within their manufacturing process, and conventional decarbonization solutions such as renewable energy cannot decarbonize these industries. Therefore, these industries become primary targets for the carbon capture market.Carbon capture global annual market (TAM) size based on the global price of carbon of $50/tonne is $307.7 billion (CAGR 8.4% 2030-2050) with Remedium’s addressable annual global market size (SAM) of 89.2 billion in 2050. Based on IEA report, North America and Europe annual market size for cement is $1.6 billion and $840 million, respectively. Similarly, North America and Europe annual market size for steel is $715 million and $320 million, respectively. This means that Remedium’s Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) for 30% of cement and 10% of steel in North America and Europe accounts for an annual revenue of $1.2 billion.

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