LoGI Food has a series of patent pending tech to reprocess food manufacturing side streams keeping the valuable food in the human food chain. Focus areas are: fats and bakery. 


LoGI Food Tecnologies recovers and reprocesses food production and processing side streams that are discarded between the farm and product manufacturing. Typically these foods go to anaerobic digestion or animal feed, but by keeping this valuable food in the human food chain we reduce the land, water and carbon emissions needed to grow new crops.  It also keeps this high value food from going to low value uses. LoGI has developed a suite of innovative technologies to reprocess and extract valuable ingredients. While we have worked across a variety of foods we are particularly focused on recovering fats (from ready meals, pastry, dairy) and bread. For every 1 ton of dairy butter we can recover and repurpose we save the equivalent of 5 tons of CO2, the same as driving the average UK car 30,000 miles!  We also have other processes for tackling bakery waste, turning wonky out of specification bread into crunchy, healthy snacks with 93% less fat and 130% more protein than crisps.  

Key Benefits

LoGI Food Technologies brings value to food producers, retailers and consumers in several key ways. Working with food manufacturers or farms we reduce their food waste by turning it into high value products. Enabling manufacturers and farmers to reduce their food waste volumes and send these materials to higher value, more sustainable uses rather than animal feed or anaerobic digestion. In some instances food manufacturers are able to reuse the materials we recover such as fats or sugars in their own processes thus creating a fully circular solution.  

Our consumer branded products offer retailers and consumers a sustainable product that not only competes on taste and quality, but also offers a truly sustainable product.  


Our target market is food producers and processors who generate side streams as well as retailers and consumers who want to buy sustainable products.  

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