This technology is a way for photovoltaic (PV) systems to achieve seamless mode changes between the grid-connected mode and islanded mode, which current systems lack.


Distributed generators, including solar power, in the microgrid, must be able to work in both grid-connected mode and islanded mode (the condition in which a distributed generator continues to power a location even though electrical grid power is no longer present), with good transient performances during mode changes.  This technology is a way for photovoltaic (PV) systems to achieve seamless mode changes between the grid-connected mode and islanded mode. This technology overcomes limitations in current systems, which struggle to change modes efficiently and effectively under certain conditions.

Key Benefits

Current systems struggle to change modes efficiently and effectively under certain conditions. This system possesses a unified, rather than separate control framework for seamless mode changes between the grid-connected mode and islanded mode. Less vulnerable to tampering/hacking.


-Solar energy power conversion -DC-AC and MPPT integration for PV system -Microgrid with the requirement of mode changes between grid-connected mode and islanded mode

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