ChickenBus is a socially minded tech start-up that is dedicated to improving access to transportation in lesser-developed countries.


ChickenBus is a socially minded tech start-up that is dedicated to improving access to transportation in lesser-developed countries. The Situation: All across lesser-developed countries there are extensive networks of inter-city buses which are vital arteries for tourism, homegrown businesses, and social networks in these countries. Many of these buses are repurposed American school buses, and they are colloquially referred to as “chicken buses” because locals often travel on the buses along with their chickens. The Problem: None of the information for these buses (timetables, origins, destinations, departure times, etc.) is available in any central location. This hampers the development of tourism and homegrown businesses. ChickenBus’s Solution: ChickenBus is collecting the public transportation for these countries and making it available to users over a website and mobile applications. Users’ search results will return route optimization and mapping. Target Regions: Latin America (Central America and South America) Sub-Saharan Africa Southeast Asia Target User Markets: Budget travelers/backpackers Locals in the countries Current Progress/Development: As of September 2017, four developers from are working on the MVP – ‘minimum viable product.’ It will be launched to users in Quarter 1 2018.  

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