We showed that this procedure prevented tumor seeding during needle biopsies in two subcutaneous tumor models.
Description: Unmet Need: Needle biopsy is an indispensable diagnostic tool in obtaining tumor tissue for diagnostic examination. Tumor cell seeding in the needle track during percutaneous needle biopsies has been reported for various types of cancers. The mechanical force of the biopsy both directly displaces the malignant cells and causes bleeding and fluid movement that can further disseminate cells. Technology Overview: To prevent the risk of tumor cell seeding during biopsy, we developed a gelatin stick loaded with chemotherapeutics such as doxorubicin (DXR) that was inserted into the biopsy canal. The gelatin-doxorubicin sticks (GDSs) were created by passively loading precut gelatin foam strips (Gelfoam) with doxorubicin solution. The dried GDSs were inserted into the needle track through the sheath during the needle biopsy and eventually self-absorbed. We showed that this procedure prevented tumor seeding during needle biopsies in two subcutaneous tumor models. Stage of Development: We studied subcutaneously grown SKMEL2, a highly aggressive human melanoma xenograft, to test tumor seeding after core needle biopsy and the efficacy of GDS. Ten day after the biopsy, tumor cell seeding was evaluated by Xenogen. An evaluation of the untreated controls revealed tumor cell seeding along the needle track, while the needle track implanted with GDS remained largely tumor free.