portfolio planning PLUS is the data-platform of choice in the energy and chemicals world
portfolio planning PLUS is an open-access information system and social network for the world's experts to collate data and collaborate on industry models, providing stakeholders with paid investment decision tools.
Key Benefits
β ppPLUS leverages the global community of experts to collate date β ppPLUS is a social network where industry experts collaborate on the development of accurate data models. β ppPLUS provides industry stakeholders with reliable investment decision tools at competitive costs.. β ppPLUS shares revenues with its data providers.
The underlying methodology allows for applicability to most industrial sectors beyond refining and petrochemicals such as: π’ Metals & minerals π’ Agroforestry, agriculture products, farming & fisheries π’ Energy π’ Mining & minerals π’ Industrial Processes (cement, glass, steel, paper, textiles, metals, etc) π’ Building & Construction π’ Infrastructure π’ Food manufacturing π’ Automotive π’ Transportation π’ Cosmetic, hygiene, and pharmaceutical products π’ etc.