Environmental friendly production: up to 80% less CO2 consumption in comparison with other high strength fibres like glass, steel or carbon 100% natural material
Polyfelt® PGM-B Polyfelt® PGM-B is a high strength glass filament reinforced geocomposite. Polyfelt® PGM-B is ideally suited to the economic maintenance of any cracked road surface with a stable substructure. THE BENEFITS OF POLYFELT® PGM-B AT A GLANCE: BASALT FIBER ADVANTAGE High strength: up to 200 kN/m maximum tensile strength High Modulus: 89 GPa Better chemical resistance Better compatibility with bitumen Environmental friendly production: up to 80% less CO2 consumption in comparison with other high strength fibres like glass, steel or carbon 100% natural material WHY BASALT REINFORCEMENT IN CMD? 200 kN/m strength at 1.7% elongation Optimum to bridge longitudinal joints Adhesion to cationic Bitumen emulsions Multifunctionality (STR, B, R) according to EN ISO 15381
Key Benefits
Environmental friendly production: up to 80% less CO2 consumption in comparison with other high strength fibres like glass, steel or carbon
Asphalt Inlay and Overlay schemes