We provide the world’s farmers with local supplies of fixed price, low cost, carbon negative fertilizer, reducing the cost and carbon footprint of food production globally. We do t


Hydrogen Refinery uses a patented Plasma Electrolyser System (PES) to process hydrocarbon waste to make 99.9% pure hydrogen.

The hydrogen produced is not only green because the PES system works without producing any gaseous carbon emissions, but also carbon negative because waste processed by PES avoids the emissions of landfill or incineration. 

The hydrogen can be used directly or used immediately in a Haber-Bosch process to make ammonia from which can be made a veriety of ammonia carbon negative fertilisers at low cost.

Key Benefits

Hydrogen Refinery, breaks the link between the cost of natural gas and cost of ammonia fertilisers and ultimately the food on our table.

The benefits of our technology are significant


·      For the farmer: we are able to offer secure local supplies of fixed price, low cost, carbon negative fertilizer.


·      For the food supply chain: we help deliver lower carbon footprint ingredients


·      For consumers: we facilitate lower cost food due to providing low cost fertiliser


·      For consumers: we help deliver food to the table with a lower carbon footprint


·      For the environment: we reduce waste going to landfill or being burnt and the subsequent carbon emissions


·      For the environment: We reduce carbon emissions by making fertiliser form non-fossil fuel resources


The Plasma Electrolysis System (PES) holds the potential to revolutionize the production of hydrogen and ammonia, offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. By processing hydrocarbon waste, the PES produces 99.9% pure hydrogen without generating any gaseous carbon emissions, labeling it as a green, and indeed, carbon-negative technology since it circumvents the emissions associated with landfill or incineration. The hydrogen produced can be either utilized directly or employed in a Haber-Bosch process for ammonia synthesis, which historically has been a carbon-intensive procedure when derived from natural gas. The PES fosters various advantages in ammonia production. Primarily, it generates the required pressures and temperatures for the Haber-Bosch process, boasts an instant start-up time, and can operate continuously. Moreover, its robust and low-maintenance design eliminates the need for costly catalysts or membranes. Remarkably, the system uses a comparable amount of electricity to steam methane reforming (SMR), and only 10% of the electricity demanded by water electrolysis. This, coupled with the absence of carbon emissions when powered by renewable or nuclear electricity—or minimal emissions if fueled by grid electricity from fossil sources—allows the Hydrogen Refinery Plasma Electrolysis System to produce carbon-negative hydrogen and ammonia. The system also brings the benefit of stable ammonia pricing, as it isn't tied to the volatile cost of natural gas, and it plays a vital role in waste management, removing non-recyclable waste without emissions. As such, this advanced PES not only paves the way for sustainable fertilizer production, critical for current and future agricultural needs, but also stands as a significant step towards achieving a carbon-neutral footprint in one of the most emission-heavy industries ..

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