This technology will be most beneficial in buildings that have a lot of foot traffic. Airports, hospitals, corporate offices


Background Piezoelectricity is the generation of electrical potential when certain crystals are subjected to mechanical stress. This energy system can be manipulated to result in a flowing current which proves beneficial to many applications. Piezoelectricity is currently used in sensors, optics, ultrasound imaging, consumer electronics, and even in musical instruments and its list of applications is only growing. Due to its versatility, piezoelectric technology has progressed in its application to include renewable energy. Technology Ilan Stern, Kevin Caravati, Francisco Valdes, Brent Wagner, Matthew King, and, Chris Howard from the Georgia Tech Research Institute have developed an innovative renewable energy technology using piezoelectric elements. In partnership with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, Atlanta Public Schools, and Interface, they have developed carpet tiles and other flooring materials with piezoelectric components that produce an electrical response. The carpet tiles harness the energy from mechanical compression caused by people walking on it, and that energy is converted to power low-voltage devices. Potential Commercial Applications This technology will be most beneficial in buildings that have a lot of foot traffic. Airports, hospitals, corporate offices, amongst other places can all benefit from having energy generating floors. This technology could certainly contribute to cutting energy-related costs wherever it is implemented. Advantages Renewable energy resource Application to multiple industries  

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