A human readable 2D barcode technology that enables an almost ideal picture-barcode integration.


Invention This invention aims at developing PiCode, a human readable 2D barcode technology that enables an almost ideal picture-barcode integration. Distinguished from common binary 2D barcodes which do not convey meaningful visual information to users, PiCode combines the appealing appearance of a picture and the decoding reliability of barcode. It offers a superior solution for mobile advertisement, media and marketing. Users can directly scan the picture-like code for accessing related contents, while the advertiser would not need to worry about the valuable advertisement space occupied by the traditional 2D barcodes any more. Marketing Opportunity As smart phones are getting more popular and more powerful every year, decoding a barcode no longer requires special devices. Many companies have already made their brands more visible by embedding their company/product logos in some 2D barcodes. Our invention allows perfect integration of a picture and the 2D barcode. It is much more attractive for mobile mobile advertisement, media and marketing applications. The PiCode can be printed on newspapers, magazines, posters, name cards, etc. to attract peoples to scan the code and obtain information, such as discounts, coupons, product’s catalog, etc. Key Benefits  Enable pictures/logo to be integrated with a 2D barcode Better visual appearance High decoding reliability  

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