We have factual data for every single building, vehicle and generation asset in Britain, across any time period, showing the energy, CO2 and cost profile to optimise management.


We are a data infrastructure company, able to provide the historical, current and future energy, carbon and cost profile for any asset connected to the grid. We can also automate recommendations to optimise the financial and carbon position, with the ability to initiate and reconcile those transactions.

We already provide services to the National Grid ESO for energy flexibility via DFS and are registered to start providing flexibility on the wholesale markets. We also power the energy product for Compare the Market and optimise the cost and carbon position of commercial real estate for Natwest business customers. Our data is also used for carbon reporting for blue chip real estate portfolios and investment trusts. We also identify spare capacity not only on the grid side, but on the commercial side - in being able to identify unused contracted capacity.

We have whole of market coverage - literally every single building and generation asset. We do not rely on smart meters, nor energy supplier integrations, nor hardware. We intercept the data flows involved in the financial reconciliation of every meter, and combine it with building, insurance and financial datasets. We only require address as the data input and have a solution for legal and privacy compliance.

Key Benefits

1. Accuracy - forget out of date EPC data, energy bill snapshots, estimates, AI or ML. Our data is the same data used to financially reconcile every gas and electricity meter, plus data disclosed under regulation;

2. Whole of market coverage - we have connectivity to every single meter. 3. Ease of use - we only need address or vehicle registration plate (for EV) as data input; data is automatically and continuously updated; 4. Problem + opportunity - not only can we solve pain points in access to data, we can size the state of the market by product/ solution, plus execute services; 5. Smart insights - we have benchmarks which have never been available before such as CO2 by square metre, by business type and use, by £ of investment. We can understand financial models for investment for different products and different customer types. 6. Compliance - given our data is accurate, this addresses risks of greenwashing or delivering the wrong net zero strategy. We also manage data protection compliance and audits.


Energy procurement Carbon reporting

Energy flexibility

Grid capacity Green loans Asset management Benchmarking Compliance audits

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