Revolutionizing UK agriculture with low-carbon meat and dairy, supporting farmers, enhancing brand sustainability, and meeting consumer demand for eco-friendly products.


Pastoral streamlines regenerative farming, making it straightforward and profitable for farmers. Our platform integrates advanced technology with traditional practices to enhance soil health, boost biodiversity, and significantly cut carbon emissions. By providing a comprehensive suite of tools for carbon accounting and animal management, Pastoral empowers farmers to produce verifiable low-carbon meat and dairy products. This approach not only supports farmers in tapping into the growing market for sustainable foods but also aligns with the sustainability goals of food and agriculture corporations, offering them a reliable source of low-carbon products to meet consumer demand. Ultimately, Pastoral facilitates a win-win scenario: promoting environmental stewardship while driving economic benefits for the agricultural sector.

Key Benefits

1. Increased Profitability for Farmers: By adopting regenerative farming practices through Pastoral, farmers can enhance soil health and productivity, leading to higher yields and quality of livestock and dairy products. This directly translates to increased earnings from premium low-carbon products.

2. Simplified Farm Management: Pastoral consolidates multiple farming tools into one platform, making it easier for farmers to manage their operations. From rotational grazing schedules to soil carbon measurement, everything is streamlined for efficiency.

3. Access to Premium Markets: Farmers using Pastoral can produce verified low-carbon meat and dairy products, meeting the growing consumer demand for sustainable food. This opens up new market opportunities, allowing farmers to sell at premium prices.

4. Enhanced Soil Health: Regenerative practices promoted by Pastoral improve soil fertility and carbon sequestration. Healthier soil supports better crop and pasture growth, contributing to the overall sustainability of the farm.

5. Reduced Environmental Impact: By facilitating a shift to regenerative farming, Pastoral helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and dairy farming. This aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and supports the UK's net-zero targets.

6. Improved Animal Welfare: Pastoral's approach includes animal welfare as a core component. Healthier, stress-free animals are a direct result of better farm management and practices, leading to higher quality meat and dairy products.

7. Compliance with Sustainability Goals: For food/ag corporates and retailers, partnering with Pastoral ensures their supply chains are contributing to sustainability goals. This enhances their brand reputation and fulfills corporate social responsibility commitments.

8. Support for British Farmers: By making regenerative farming accessible and profitable, Pastoral supports the livelihoods of British farmers, ensuring they can continue to operate in a changing climate and market landscape.

9. Consumer Choice: Offering low-carbon meat and dairy products alongside traditional and alternative options gives consumers the power to choose sustainable products without compromising on the authenticity of their food.

10. Contribution to Biodiversity: Regenerative practices enhance farm biodiversity, promoting a balance of flora and fauna that supports ecosystem health and resilience.


Our target market encompasses British farmers who are keen to adapt to the evolving demands of the food industry by producing low-carbon meat and dairy products. This group is particularly focused on leveraging regenerative farming practices to not only enhance their farm's sustainability but also to tap into the burgeoning market of young, environmentally conscious consumers. These consumers prioritize "low carbon" as a key factor in their purchasing decisions, often placing it above traditional labels such as "organic" or "local." By providing a comprehensive platform that simplifies the transition to regenerative farming, Pastoral empowers farmers to produce verifiably low-carbon products. This capability positions them to effectively compete with alternative protein brands, offering real meat and dairy options that align with the low-carbon preferences of today's market.

The benefit to British farmers is twofold: it aligns their operations with sustainable practices that are increasingly mandated by both government policies and market demands, and it opens up new revenue streams by catering to a demographic that is willing to pay a premium for products that contribute to the mitigation of climate change. For grocery stores and food/ag corporates, partnering with Pastoral and these farmers means being able to offer a wider range of low-carbon options to their customers, enhancing their brand's commitment to sustainability and meeting the expectations of a growing segment of the market that values environmental responsibility highly.

In essence, Pastoral's innovation is not just about transforming farming practices; it's about reshaping the entire supply chain to meet the demands of a future where low-carbon products are not just preferred, but expected. This approach not only benefits the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also supports the economic viability of British farmers and aligns with the strategic interests of food and agriculture corporations looking to lead in sustainability.

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